10th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology

Welcome to ATTO X, which will be held from July 6th to 11th, 2025 in Lund, Sweden!

ATTO is the largest and most prestigious international conference in the field of attosecond science and technology held every two years. At ATTO, state-of-the-art research works are shared among scholars from academia, research institutes and industries from all over the world.

Click here to subscribe to all coming announcements, and stay informed about the planning of ATTO X!

Latest News

  • First announcement

    Dear colleague,

    On behalf of the International Program Committee, we are pleased to announce that ATTO X, the 10th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology will take place on July 6-11, 2025, in Lund, Sweden.

    ATTO is the largest and most prestigious international conference in attosecond science and technology, held every two years and covering all aspects of attosecond science and technology, from sources and metrology to applications.

    More detailed information about ATTO X will be announced on the conference website as it becomes available. The local organizers can be contacted via e-mail at loc@attox.se.

    Lund is one of Sweden’s oldest cities with over 1000 years of history. The magnificent cathedral from the 12th century and the world-famous university from the 17th century shape the city’s history, culture, knowledge and innovation. Lund is full of contrasts. From quaint cobblestoned streets and old half-timbered houses, to some of the world’s most innovative companies and institutions. In the north-east part of Lund, a new city district is being developed around the two major research facilities MAX IV Synchrotron Laboratory and the European Spallation Source (ESS), and in between them a new Science Village is emerging, with the goal of hosting a large number of infrastructures for research, education, and industry. The ATTO X conference will take you from Science Village, where the first half of the conference is organized, to the old city center of Lund, where the conference dinner and the last sessions of the conference will be held.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you all to Lund in 2025!


    The Local Organizing Committee of ATTO X, consisting of:

    Per Eng-Johnsson (chair), Anne-Lise Viotti (chair), Anne L’Huillier, Cord Arnold, David Busto, Eva Lindroth, Johan Mauritsson, László Veisz, Marcus Dahlström, Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Raimund Feifel

  • The webpage is up!

    The webpage is up!

    You are welcome to explore the webpage, but it is still under construction. We will update it as the event comes closer and more info becomes available!

    In the meantime: click here to subscribe to all coming announcements, and feel free to contact us at: loc@attox.se