The abstract submission is now closed!
Deadline for abstract submission
The deadline for submitting an abstract is: February 23rd, 2025, midnight (CET)
Submission platform
To submit your abstract, follow this link.
Instructions for abstract preparation
Abstracts must be prepared using the LaTeX or Word templates found below. Each abstract includes a title, an author list with affiliations, a 600-characters synopsis, and the abstract text. Only one (or no) figure may be included and the length of each abstract must not exceed one page. Before submission, the abstract must be converted to PDF format, with a file size not exceeding 3 MB.
Instructions for abstract submission
Within the submission system, contributing authors will have to create an account and then log in to submit an abstract. When adding an abstract, the following information will be requested:
- topic for initial sorting of the abstract,
- preferred presentation type,
- title of their abstract,
- author list with affiliations,
- PDF document upload,
- 600-characters synopsis (same as in the PDF abstract),
- possible alternative topics for categorization of the abstract
- whether the presenter is eligible for a poster prize (students and postdoctoral researchers).
The PDF file of the abstract should be named as “Einstein_A.pdf”, where “Einstein” is the full family name of the first author, followed by an underscore “_”, then the first letter “A” of the initials of the given name of the first author. In case you submit more than one abstract, a number “_1,_2…” should be appended to the initials of the given name, e.g. “Einstein_A_1.pdf”.
Abstract review and acceptance
All abstracts prepared according to the guidelines will be considered for inclusion in the ATTO X program by the International Program Committee and the Local Organizing Committee. Authors who submit abstracts will be notified about their status by e-mail in late March 2025.