Tutorial Speakers

Zenghu Chang
University of Ottawa, Canada
“Attosecond X-ray light sources driven by mid-infrared lasers”

Morgane Vacher
University of Nantes, France
“Probing, understanding, and modelling chemistry with attosecond technology”

Marc Vrakking
Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany
“Attosecond science: from adolescence to adulthood”
Invited Speakers

Christian Brahms
Herriot-Watt University, Scotland
“New ultrafast sources and science enabled by advanced nonlinear optics in hollow-core waveguides”

Carlo Callegari
“Attosecond science with a seeded FEL”

James Cryan
“Probing electron dynamics with attosecond X-ray Free Electron Lasers”

Marcus Dahlström
Lund University, Sweden
“Quantum entanglement from time-dependent strong couplings”

Nirit Dudovich
Weizmann Institute, Israel
“Attosecond Interferometry”

Stefanie Gräfe
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
“Attosecond time-resolved electronic and vibrational dynamics in furan”

Mohammed Hassan
Arizona University, USA
“Attomicroscopy imaging and control of electron motion in solid-state”

Peter Hommelhoff
Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
“Strongly driven electrons in a Floquet topological insulator”

Kenichi L. Ishikawa
University of Tokyo, Japan
“Ion-photoelectron entanglement and coherence controlled by two-color laser pulses”

Álvaro Jiménez-Galán
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain
“Ultrafast control of valley physics in 2D materials”

Tran Trung Luu
Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
“High-harmonic spectroscopy probes lattice dynamics”

Yann Mairesse
CELIA, France
“Chiral molecules in strong laser fields”

Balázs Major
ELI-ALPS, Hungary
“Recent developments of attosecond high-harmonic generation sources in and outside the Extreme Light Infrastructure”

Hamed Merdji
Ecole Polytechnique, France
“Experimental evidence of the quantum-optical nature of high-harmonic generation in semiconductors”

Angana Mondal
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
“Probing ultra-fast electron dynamics in liquids and solutions using high-harmonic spectroscopy”

Mauro Nisoli
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
“Attosecond dynamics in molecules: insights from UV/XUV beamline development”

Alicia Palacios
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
“Ab initio attosecond chemistry: strong electron-electron-nuclei correlations in multiphoton single and double ionization”

Emilio Pisanty
King’s College London, UK
“Quantum-orbit dynamics in strongly-polychromatic laser fields”

Robin Santra
CFEL DESY, Germany
“Attosecond dynamics in liquid water”

Bernd Schütte
Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany
“Table-top all-attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy”

Caterina Vozzi
Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie CNR, Italy
“Microfluidic-based sources for efficient XUV generation”

Vincent Wanie
CFEL DESY, Germany
“Advances in ultrafast ultraviolet spectroscopy of molecules”
Luca Argenti
University of Central Florida, USA